Sunday, February 28, 2010

February Scavanger Hunt

1. Tower - Just above Comb Ridge on Hwy 191

2. Main Street - Glenwood Springs, Co. and Moab, Ut

3. Five

4. Dog or Cat (archive? Late January maybe)

5. Two of a Kind

6. Clock

7. Game

8. Something Sweet

9. Black and White select recolored - Cut in Comb Ridge for Hwy 191 to go through.

10. My Reflection

11. Mirror image - In canyon above Grand Junction, CO.

12. Night Shot

13. Something Homemade - Crocheted by grandma Verda Black

14. Something Pink

15. Something Romantic (archive photo) - Hawaii - need I say more?

16. Candid Shot

17. Portrait ( I couldn't get anyone to sit for me ;>) This photo was taken just off the side of the road up past Grand Junction Colorado. I tried to make it look like the double exposure portraits I have of my kids.

18. A Symbol of Love

19. A Landscape - "The Sleeping Ute" in Colorado

20. Chocolate - Hope the roses look like chocolate. I do think the red roses at the bottom were easier to change.


  1. love your B&W and Two of a kind! fun :) good job!

  2. You had some wonderful shots!!! Tower, Main streret, clock, symbl of love!

  3. The kitty, the clock and the night shot were my favorites. Great work :)

  4. nice results! LOL! on your portrait :)

  5. I loved your tower! So very creative. And your chocolate roses on a bed of M&M's was something right straight out of a dream!
    I also have to admit that your quirky picture of the cat in the eave was one of my favorites!
    And I had to laugh at your portrait. Sometimes things that no longer move make the best subjects.
    Nice collection.
    If you'd like to stop by my blog I'm at Cake Crumbs.

  6. Your tower and landscape are beautiful! Where do you live to have such incredible scenery around you?
